chromium plating

The brass chromium plating plant opened in Castenedolo in 2001, is the most advanced and rational development possible today in this field of application.

The precautions taken to build it not only guarantee total respect for the environment, thanks to a sophisticated closed circuit water treatment plant, but also respond to the requirements of constant quality in the treatment.

Moreover, the energy needs are supplied entirely by a cogeneration plant.

chromium plated
brass chromium plating metals
satin chrome
brass chromium plating metals
polished nickel
brass chromium plating metals
satin nickel
brass chromium plating metals

In the internal laboratory daily analysis are performed for systematic monitoring of the galvanic processes and product testing, in accordance with the provisions of the Customers’specification.

Tests related to the thickness, resistance to thermal shock and salt spray, are furthermore performed in accordance with customers’specifications and Bossini established internal specification.

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